Another Day! Another Wonder!

One of my favorite songs,  “Late for Your Life”, by Mary Chapin Carpenter, says it all.  Her lyrics catapult me into taking chances, facing consequences, and holding unto life as deliberately and as passionately as I can.  Really, it’s never too late to keep living life, to keep putting one foot over the edge of the bed and saying, “I can do this one more time!”

I’m not too late to realize my purpose, and it’s not too late to live as kindly and as grateful as possible.

I am running as fast as I can to create as many memories as I have days left in me.  Granted, I’m a little slower; and arthritic pain has become my nemesis, but…Oh my goodness, how grateful I am!

In my mind’s eye I see smiles, and friends.  I see family surrounding me with love.  I sense the beauty of our amazing world and reflect upon miles of road trips, simple moments, and amazing mountainous sculptors created by prehistoric winds, waters, and fires..  I feel my mother’s arms around me.  I hear my dad’s sound advice.  I see my children’s smiles and understand that what seems to be insignificant can often make the biggest impression in one’s life.

No doubt, the memories bring a swelling within my heart and an unrivaled joy.   I have lived a life to cherish, to remember, to adore.

I could go on rambling and sharing my memories; but, truthfully, my life is uniquely mine, and probably not so relevant to you.  However, I wonder, just wonder, what makes you feel fulfilled?

Whatever stage of life you are living…beginning, middle or end…I hope that each day brings wonder; and with each wonder you add some some mistakes, a few heartaches, some learning tools, and LOTS of gratitude, compassion, and kindness.

Take some chances.  Give it your best.  Be fearless.  Be YOU.

Just don’t be late for your life, (and add some spunk, sass, and soul)!

Living life lovingly,

Texana Lane





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